lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008

He's about 20 years away from being an All-Star

Gilbert Arenas said:
On the East side, I don’t know if there were any big snubs. I mean, some people wanted Jose Calderon. Jose Calderon? Who? Come on man, this is All-Star, people. When I’ve seen some of the names that are being thrown around on the ticker as snubs, it’s killing me. I understand Calderon has the best assist-turnover ratio in the league, but you know what’s funny? All back-up point guards have the best assist-turnover ratios. Screw it, Kevin Ollie should be an All-Star then! For like five or six years, Ollie was No. 1 in assist-turnover ratio! An All-Star is an All-Star! He’s playing at a high level. That means, if you take him off the team, that team should fall down if he’s that one guy. An All-Star means that he is dominating the game of basketball. It’s not even about numbers necessarily, it’s about dominating. I could probably say that Richard Jefferson got snubbed maybe Josh Smith too. His 18 points, 10 rebounds and three blocks puts him at No. 14. Richard Jefferson is No. 13. Turkoglu is No. 15. But, El Calderon? Come on. I’ve been loving the way he’s been playing for the last two years. When he first came into the league he was a little timid and scared to shoot the ball, but he’s taking over that team. But All-Star? He’s about 20 years away from being an All-Star. This is the difference between Antawn and Caron stepping up with me out and Calderon stepping up with T.J. Ford out: Antawn is second in the league in double-doubles and there’s only five players in the league averaging 20 and 10 – he’s one of them. There’s Dwight Howard, Al Jefferson, Carlos Boozer, Chris Bosh and Antawn. Four of those five are All-Stars and their teams are winning. Caron is playing at a high level. He’s taking over the game when he’s been playing – All-Star. Calderon is managing a team. If he was up for Rookie All-Star, Sophomore All-Star … BOOM … he’d get in. He might even be MVP! But for the big show? The big game? No. You know what? I’m sorry people. I think I’m biased because my team was fifth in the Eastern Conference and I was averaging 29, five and five and I got snubbed off the All-Star game. So maybe I’m a little biased. I was in that Larry Brown era, so, my fault. You know what? Calderon might have been an All-Star. I can’t look at my situation and judge everybody else’s situation in the All-Star game. I guess my 29, five and five and being in fifth place wasn’t good enough at the time.


And you "Agent Zero" are telling me that people like Sean Elliott (1996), Chris Gatling (1997), Nick Van Exel, Jayson Williams (1998), Dale Davis (2000), Antonio Davis, Theo Ratliff (2001), Wally Sczerbiak (2002), Brad Miller (2003, 2004), Jamaal Magloire (flagrant case 2004) were more dominant than "El" Calderón in their respective all-star seasons and, thus, deserved more than "El" Calderón to be All-Star? C'mon, man. Kind of weird. Kind of. You talk crap, zero-minded agent.

Instead of telling that, you'd better have taken a look at your efficiency and you'd better have compared it with Calde's efficiency. Perhaps then you'd have realized which one do more for their team. From your words is clear that your ego is very high, which means that you are for sure an All-Star. Then just compare your numbers.

By the way, have you noticed the outstanding percentages of Calderón? Take a look at your percentages. wait... better, take a look and try to find someone who has the kind of percentages that Calderón has. Perhaps you have more than enough fingers to count them.

And take into account that Calderón something else. Caledrón, in spite of playing approximately thirty minutes per game, has awesome numbers.

So please, zero-minded agent, try to think a little bit before writing. And be more polite.

Let's see... you say that he's about twenty years away from becoming an All-Star. Calderón is now 26. So, if we add 20 years... he may become All-Star with 46 years in the best-case scenario, which happens to be imposible, since he may be retired at this age.
Let's see if he becomes All-Star in 2009, 2010... in any of this years... at least in one. Only to shut your big trap, much bigger as your brain, zero-minded agent. Let's wait and see what happens.

Calde´s info page:

Zero-minded agent's profile: